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1 (terrible) 2 3 4 5 (excellent)
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5 (excellent)
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5 (excellent)

Literally years in the making, Y&T's long-awaited documentary has finally been released to celebrate the band's 45th Anniversary.  Several years ago, Y&T created a Kickstarter account to fund the project of creating the documentary. Their fans contributed beyond the band's wildest dreams, so they had plenty of money to make this happen. And even though the result is excellent, I can't for the life of me imagine why it took so long, or cost so much to put this together. In this day and age, it's just not that hard to shoot or edit video. Perhaps it was filming the interviews and getting releases signed, and working on it between tours, etc. How long did it take? Long enough for original members Joey Alves and Leonard Haze to both contribute to the project, and pass away before its completion. Orignial bassist Phil Kennemore had passed before the project got off the ground.  But the Y&T doco is finally here, and the good news is that the result was worth the wait!

Disc one is the 143-minute documentary itself, plus eight deleted scenes, and bonus material. Narrated by Eddie Trunk (who else?), the film tells the story of Y&T from inception to the current day through interviews with Dave Meniketti, Leonard Haze, Joey Alves, Jimmy Degrasso, Steff Burns, John Nyman, Mike Vanderhule, Brad Lang, Aaron Lee, Scott Boorey, and band-manager, Jill Meniketti. The story here is quite detailed. Nothing feels forgotten or glossed-over. Punches were not pulled when it came to describing personnel changes.  Among those also interviewed were Don Dokken, Eric Martin, Bobby Blotzer, Sammy Hagar, Frank Hannon, Greg Kihn, Dee Snyder, Max Norman, Chris Tsangarides, and Eddie Trunk. 

Disc two (137 minutes) contains speacial features and extras. These include video bios of each of the original four members (including interviews with members of Phil Kennemore's family), some Y&T superfans talking about the band, and a wrap-up by Eddie Trunk putting the band's legacy in historical perspective.

 All in all, it's over four and a half hours of great footage!  It's amost too much. But it is very well done, and an obvious must for every Y&T fan.