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Steve Lukather with Paul Rees
Steve Lukather

This was a pretty fun read. It's very much written in Luke's voice, the way he speaks, so it pretty humorous.  He's lead quite a life and has worked with so many people, the book reads like a who's who. There's a discography in the back of the book that just goes on and on. I think it was taken from here, where it is 18 pages long going back to 1977 if you're interested.

Luke has led a self-professed blessed life. He's been able to make a living doing what he loves, and work with a lot of his heroes. But he's had a lot of rough times too. Two of his marriages failed (not surprisingly, due to excess and lifestyle), and he has lost more than his share of his closest friends to one disease or another.  He talks about his excesses of coke and booze, but has been clean for many years now, and is now on good terms with his ex-wives, and loves his 4 kids more than anything.

As I say, it's a fun read, and though it comes off as very honest and forthcoming, it doesn't feel particularly deep for some reason. To me, it felt like a light read, but that's fine. It's certainly not a tragic story. My only gripe with the book is in the editing.  There are sections that feel repetitive and previously covered that should have been caught by the editor. Not that that's a big deal.  I'd give this a 4 out of 5.