Sauropods: Earthshakers. Dinosaur Rock Guitarists who are primarily rhythm players. | |
Ornithischians: Includes armored, horned, plated and spiked dinosaurs. Includes any one or combination of the following:
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Early Theropods: Fast and agile, dinosaurs with carnivorous diet, sharp, slicing teeth, well-developed jaw muscles, clawed hands, bipedal walk, strong legs with clawed feet. Pioneers and definers of the Dinosaur Rock Guitar Genre. | |
Advanced Theropods Alternate pickers, bar-raisers, often possessing the most electrifying blend of melody, attitude, emotion, and chops in their lead styles. | |
Ornithomimosaurs: "Speed racers." Ostrich mimics. Pterosaurs: "Winged lizards" Carnivorous flying reptiles. Neo-Classical and Shred stylists, Sweep pickers — technicians who can really "fly." | |
Reptilia and Crocodyloforms: The group encompassing crocodylians and other similar but extinct reptiles. Armadillodoedicurus: A prehistoric armadillo the size of a VW Beetle. Players we like who have some Dino-like traits or aspects in their style. | |
Stylistic Periods
Triassic | Represented by early Dino pioneers such as Townshend, Hendrix, and Clapton. |
Jurassic | The main stylistic period of Dinosaur Rock Guitar. Encompassing the heavyweight Dino bands of the 70s like Zeppelin, Sabbath, and Purple up through 80s melodic (pre-shred) metal. Remeber, these are stylistic categories — not pure chonological. Some younger players play in a Jurassic style. |
Cretaceous | Begins with Yngwie and encompasses the Neo-Classical boom, and the style called shred. |
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